A new quartet is coming to the SWD and they are sure to make waves.

OverDrive Quartet will be debuting at the Southwestern District Convention this October.
“Greg, Greg, Greg..... ” - Brett Littlefield
OverDrive Quartet will make there first appearance at the Southwestern District Convention October 7th - 9th.
OverDrive came together in the waning days of COVID. It all started when 4 friends got together at a TAG party to feed their Barbershop fix, while everything was shut down. When they sang there was an undeniable match that had to be explored. They got together for the first time in the summer of 2022. Once they rang that first chord "TDFS" was born. (Sorry inside joke!) Now they are gearing up to announce there presents to the SWD!
They hope to see you there! Come by and see Greg Rogers, Joe Krones, Philip Sense and Tyler Wilson - OverDrive Quartet!
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