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ABOUT OverDrive


OverDrive started singing together in the summer of 2022.

We are members of the Southwestern District of the Barbershop Harmony Society. 

Based out of the Oklahoma City, Ok area, OverDrive brings a mix of youth and experience with powerful vocals, showmanship, education and creativity to every stage they walk on.

OverDrive Members

Greg Rogers - Lead

Greg has been a performer since he was 2 years old, singing his lungs out standing on is parents fireplace! He became a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society at the age of 14 in 1988. He was introduced to Barbershop by his father Don Rogers, Bass of the well known Crackerjacks quartet. 


Greg has competed in many quartets through his career. Riff Raff, Peel'n Paint and most recently the 4 time Northwest Division champions and 3rd place district finalists The 405! 


Greg was a Music Theatre major and Music Performance Minor specializing in vocal production and showmanship. When Greg is not singing he enjoys coaching Quartets and Choruses and spreading the word of Barbershop! 


Greg is the Co-Director of the Oklahoma City Chapter of the BHS, The Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma. He is married to his wonderful wife and international finalist Lynn Rogers and has one daughter Emma.


Joe Krones - Bass

Joe was born and raised in Peoria, IL where he began his singing career at the ripe old age of 10. He was introduced to Barbershop by his Mother and Father, Jim and Judy Krones. Joe sang in the Peoria Barbershop Chorus and at the age of 16 started his journey as a front line director for ten years.


He joined his first quartet, Backstage Applause, with his brother Jimmy. The list goes on from here with several more quartets and five more District Championships with Bravo!, Cheers!, Renaissance, Stolen Basses and Old School. His lifelong dream after many years of hard work finally paid off when Old School was crowned the 2011 International Gold Medalists.


Joe was blessed with an opportunity to become Music Director for the amazing International Champions, West Towns Chorus in Lombard, Illinois. During his directing career, leading the chorus for the next six years to the Illinois District Championship and three International competitions.


Joe sings Bass in The Vocal Majority Chorus in the great State of Texas and lives in Oklahoma City with his wife Dawn. He is the proud Daddy of two Awesome Barbershop Brat Children, Heather Havens and Chase Krones.

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Philip Sense - Baritone

Philip was born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK. He began singing in church choirs at a young
age. He was introduced to Barbershop at the age of 11 by his father, Greg Sense.


At 13, he joined the Central Cities Chapter of the BHS.
Philip continued his love of music throughout his teenage years with band and choir.


At 20, he stepped away from barbershop for several years to serve in the United States Marine Corps.

Philip has competed with several different choruses; Music Central, Acappella Federation, and
Vocal Sounds of Oklahoma. He is currently a member of VSO.


He has also competed with a
quartet, Hashtag, and won a Northwest Division championship and placed as high as 4 th place at
the district level.

When he isn’t singing barbershop Philip works as a mobile diesel technician. He is married to his
wonderful wife, Dia, and they are blessed with two boys, Jackson and Lincoln.

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Tyler Wilson - Tenor

Tyler started his barbershop career in high school, teaching and singing tags with classmates in the hallway. 


Tyler works for the United States Air Force. He defends our country by checking out tools to computer technicians. ( Thank you for your service! ;) ). 


Tyler sang with our Baritone Philip Sense in the Hashtag Quartet and won a Northwest Division championship and placed as high as 4 th place at the district level.


Tyler is also an avid D&D player. He states that one of the largest accomplishments in his life was building a 22nd level Paladin with a +7 Holy Avenger! 


When he is not singing, saving the world in the Air Force or slaying dragons Tyler spends time with his lovely wife Braden and the cutest little girl in the world Sophie. ( The whole Quartet claims her as our own. ) I feel sorry when this little girl starts dating... Her date is going to hate us! lol!  

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